Artist, Author, Mentor

This page is designed to help you navigate through all the others pages. To do so, I have listed the appropriate pages that link to my roles as artist, author and mentor, including biographical content. If you have any questions, please email me at

Your interest is truly appreciated.

Biography (pages)

Back to School at 65 (blog)




Studio Pictures

Artist (pages)

Drawing Society of Canada

Masterpeace Fine Art Gallery

In the Footsteps of Masters

The Artist

The Art of Silverpoint Drawing

Understanding Abstract Art

Author (pages)

Writings and Poetry (for Poetry, Short Stories, Journals, Scholarly Writings, Fiction and Spiritual Wisdom)

Masterpeace Publishers (see Masterpeace Academy of Art and Spirituality)

Mentor (pages)

Masterpeace Academy of Art and Spirituality

Canadian Academy of Drawing (online)

Sermon on the Mount

The Kingdom of God